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The Nicely Big Wolf

Actually it was an english task, i just want to share.

The Nicely Big Wolf

It was cold winter’s night when I went to tumble wood. The full moon drifted in and out of the clouds, casting silvery light on the branches. My heart pounded like a drum and my knees shook like jelly, but I couldn’t turn back.

I had to find the gold ring I lost at the picnic, the ring my grandma gave me before she died. All around me the trees towered like giants. The snapping branches sounded like a thousand gunshots. I ran as fast as a cheetah until came in the clearing. I got down on my hands and my knees and began to search for the ring. Then the full moon disappeared behind the trees. The night was dark, as dark as the deepest well. I dug deeper into the frosty earth with my bare hands.

Suddenly, something appears from scrubs. It sounds from my backside. Then I whirled my body, and I saw a big giant wolf. He looks nasty, and kept stare for me. Then he walked around and crawled near me. I was very terrified. I thought he want to rip me for dinner. “Oh! Mr. Wolf, don’t bite me please! I’m just a little girl with bad skinned, black; hairy … if you eat me now, you will die. So please, don’t!”

He still crawled, as though abandoned what I said. I guess he was very hungry. But, what happen then is out of my mind. He didn’t do something likes to hurt me. He put something from his mouth to my right foot. It was my grandma’s ring. What a peculiar it is!  Then he pulled my trousers and accompanied me to go home. I felt he was my grandma’s incarnation, but it was possible, indeed.

Before he went away, I gave my handkerchief to his neck and said thanks. Then I called him as “The Nicely Big Wolf”.


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Sport task: SQUASH

“Squash adalah salah satu cabang olahraga yang tergolong baru di Indonesia. Itu sebabnya masih banyak orang yang kurang begitu mengetahui tentang Squash.” Sumber: andihasanudin weblog (wordpress) ; oleh Andihasanudin pada April 17, 2008. Sejarah Squash  Squash sebenarnya telah ada pada abad ke-19, di daerah Fleet Prison London. Seorang murid sekolah di daerah itu mengadopsi permainan tenis dengan melakukan gerakan memantul-mantulkankan bola ke dinding. Awalnya gerakan tersebut merupakan warming up atau pemanasan sebelum bermain tenis lapangan. Belakangan, gerakan tersebut dikembangkan di sebuah sekolah di Inggris yang bernama Horrow pada tahun 1820. Meski terlahir dan besar di Inggris, namun justru Amerika Serikatlah yang pertama kali mendirikan asosiasi squash pada tahun 1907 dengan nama United States Squash Racquets Association. Padahal, di negeri asalnya Inggris squash pada awalnya merupakan cabang dari tenis lapangan. Squash baru berdiri sendiri di Inggris pada tahun 1928 dengan

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