Ogi Yak's

Welcome to my personal blog. You will find life experiences here, plus some thoughts.

Selasa, 20 September 2011

Drunk Dutch Tourist Gets Sharp Lesson

This is an article take from Look Ahead 1 for Senior High School Students Year X produced by Erlangga. Hope it help you (Indonesian) learn English, especially your vocabulary.

MONPELLIER: A Dutch tourist who drunkenly tried to pet a circus lion in its cage in southern France was nursing a wounded hand and neck on Tuesday after being scratched in return, police said.

The unnamed 21-year-old woman was lucky to be only slightly injured in the incident, which occured late Sunday after she and her friends went up to the cage following an evening of drinking in a campsite in the town of Vacquires, officers said.

She had stuck her hand in the enclosure in an attempt to touch the three-year old lion when the animal sprung around and slashed at her with its claws. The tourist was taken to hospital in Monpellier. -AFP

  Dutch = Belanda
  drunkenly = dengan mabuk
  pet = menimang (a dog, chlid), bercumbu-cumbuan
  scratched = tergores
  slightly = kecil, enteng (wound)
  stuck (v1= stick) = tersangkut
  enclosure = pagar

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Menampilkan Animasi Gif di Blogger

Untuk menyisipkan animasi gif pada halaman blog ternyata tidak bisa hanya dengan meng-upload gambar dan meletakkannya di gadget gambar (gbr 1) di bagian layout. Secara default blogger akan menyimpan file gif yang diupload ke picascaweb.com. Menurut pengalaman saya, web ini tidak dapat menyimpan file gif gerak sehingga format .gif yang tersimpan adalah .gif gambar diam. 

Photobucket.com adalah situs yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Buat akun (registry) jika belum punya. Upload animasi gif sesukamu (gbr 2). Copy link html-nya (gbr 3). Buat gadget gambar dari menu layout. Paste link pada referensi gambar. Simpan. Sekarang animasi .gif Anda dapat berjalan. Slmt mencoba,

gbr 1
gbr 2
gbr 3

Senin, 05 September 2011

Day Traveling the World

Walaupun tak banyak yang didapat, tujuan utama telah terpenuhi. Apalagi kalau bukan hiburan!
