Ogi Yak's

Welcome to my personal blog. You will find life experiences here, plus some thoughts.

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

The Filter

Kadang ketika keinginan/hasrat tidak sesuai dengan keadaan pikiran. Ketika hendak menyelesaikan suatu masalah, pikiran kita memberontak sehingga enggan. Kenapa bisa begini?
Simpulan singkatku hari ini jatuh pada The Filter. Suatu abstraksi dari pengetahuan kita tentang boolean, which one is true or false. Basicnya begitu! Seharian ini saya mencatat beberapa hal tentang The Filter. Singkat aja sbb:

part 1
We believe Allah.
Means we believe in perfection.
We think about perfection more often then.
We will be about perfect.
Because Allah is The Perfect.

part 2
Imagine a Storage device, a Filter, and Files. So! Now i assume that my brain/storage has a broken filter. I need to create the new one or repair it in order to gain more proper "Files".

part 3
"Happiness is found in sincere worship"
in my words, it means ".. we are getting closer to the perfection"


Have you prepare it?
The Filter of life, of mind?
Are you ready to let "things" sprinkling in your brain?
Have you already to start learning math?
Have you already to face the boredom? 


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