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Moza can read my thoughts

Dear Moza,

It had been so long not see u ...
By the way, how are getting along? You must be fine right... as always.
Have you seen The Shrek? Shrek The Third? I just want to make sure you love that story, it's true Moz, ya... yah...
In my imagination, in the perfection, which always think about 'what just happen', i realize, i goes wrong.
wrong ... wrong ... and wrong. i think there is no body in this world can perfectly understand me, my thoughts, just God know it, yah! that makes me feel better instead of doing or thinking wrong always. Hahhh.... (relieving)
Hy Moza, can you tell me, as you always say, "Who decide which is proper or not?" how can you describe it in the real life ha? Did you mean: we are looking for dummies, and we meet no dummies, so dummies is never existed? or you just think about: we are looking for dummies, but suddenly the clever come front slightly, they more exiting, and then we decide to look for the clever instead of dummies? what we are talking about ^^o.
Then, what about "I set aside of my life to do not waste the love", Em... btw i really enjoy for something new, it gives me new thoughts, new point of view... it makes me better. So i'll prepare to read all the books, all the science, goodness, to make sure i was in the right place, in the right side, in the right way. That's the spirit! negative thinking always sit at any side of my brain but, i'll give it a princess called Positive, and it can be anything good in the world.
I think that's all for today, yup! that's enough confused Moz, I'm sorry, you are the best! haha
Bye Moza, have a nice dream tonight. Bringing hope at the mid of life, bringing happy to the end.



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